1982 to 1987
Omnibus Computer Graphics
Animator, Supervisor, Manager
Omnibus at its peak was the largest computer graphics facility in north america
spanning three cities in the U.S. and Canada.
Doug was one of three people chosen to start the new Los Angeles unit at Paramount Studios.
- Provided services as an airbrush illustrator, Storyboard artist.
- Pioneered the use of NYIT 3D software in Canada
- Learned 2D paint, and video fundamentals
- Developed new techniques for video special effects
- Wrote scripts using UNIX and custom software to perform special effects.
- Wrote new utility software in “C” which formed the foundation of Omnibus new
Software Division
- Investigated and suggested new business opportunities including the purchase of
Triple-I, which led to the formation of the largest Computer Animation company in
North America.